Hole-y Moley! Who doesn’t love a sweet treat?!

National Donut Day is June 2nd. Here is a fun craft to celebrate while working on speech skills!
Items needed:
· paper plate
· craft paint, markers, or crayons
· colored sprinkles or any other confetti-like decorations
· scissors
· paintbrush
· glue
1. Cut a hole in the center of your paper plate.
2. Coat the plate with light brown paint (or color with a crayon) to give it that fresh donut color.
3. Brush a coat of paint over the plate to create the “icing.” There is no right or wrong way to decorate your donut, so let your child be creative!
4. Feel free to add sprinkles of choice to the top of their donut!
5. Have everyone share their donuts (maybe even bring some real ones in to compliment the activity!)
A few ways to incorporate speech and language!
· Read the instructions aloud so that your child can practice listening and following directions.
· Practice identifying and labeling colors.
· Count the number of sprinkles placed on each child’s donut.
· Once the activity is complete, have your child/children discuss their individual designs. Did they make them a specific flavor? Or decorate them based on their favorite colors and preferences?
· If they are old enough, have your child write about a time they went to a donut shop and what they saw, heard, smelled, and tasted.
· Create an in-home pretend donut shop where your child can practice selling the donuts, counting money, and back and forth conversation.
· As an extension activity, visit a donut shop and see if they can recognize any donuts on the shelf that look similar to the one they created!

Have any questions about your child’s speech and language development? “Donut” worry about a thing! Contact us for a free phone consultation:
Northern Virginia: info@owlstherapy.com
(703) 470-6957
Philadelphia’s Main Line: philadelphia@owlstherapy.com
(610) 579-0914