OWLS Therapy


Ice Cream Themed Speech Therapy

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream!

We love using themes when teaching new concepts and skills. Read more about the importance of themed learning HERE. Ice cream is the theme on the learning menu today… and we can’t wait to dive in! Keep reading for an adorable craft, an oh-so-sweet book list, and our other favorite ice cream themed activities!

Ice Cream Handprint

Items Needed:


  1. Have your child pick a color of construction paper, which will be their ice cream “flavor” of choice! Fold the paper in half and trace their handprint. Be sure that their pinky is along the folded part. 
  2. Cut out their handprint. It should open like a card! 
  3. Take the brown construction paper and draw an ice cream cone shape. Then, cut the ice cream cone out! 
  4. Glue the handprint on top of the cone. 
  5. Stretch out the cotton balls to make whipped cream. Add a red pom pom as the “cherry” on top! Your child can add more “toppings” to their ice cream by drawing hot fudge, adding shreds of paper as chocolate chips, or gluing on real sprinkles. Encourage their creativity!   
  6. Open the card and add a message. 
    • Have your child think of speech words with their sound in it. Write the words down and practice them throughout the week.
    • Work on recall and sequencing. Have your child write down the steps for the craft- don’t forget all of the details! 
    • Encourage writing skills. Challenge your child to write a sentence with a target vocabulary word (i.e. “use the word “ice cream” in a sentence”).  
    • Use this craft as a birthday card for a friend or loved one. Encourage your child to write a special message inside!  

Want even more of the scoop? Check out our SLP-approved book list and fun ice cream themed activities below! 

Ice Cream Books:

Ice Cream Theme:


We have a gelato love for speech and language skills! Be sure to follow us on Instagram at @owlstherapy. OWLS Therapy will be scooping up speech and language skills all summer long! 

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