OWLS Therapy


Welcome to Part Two of our Back to School series! School has started and with the new school year, comes new routines. Today we’re offering tips on how to start the year off strong once school has begun!

Once School Starts:

Family Time:

In the first few weeks of school, be sure to reserve some family time. Head out for dinner, go see a new movie, or visit the pool together. This will help children feel supported during this big change.

Create a new family routine for the school year, such as make-your-own-pizza on Friday evenings! This will give children something exciting to look forward to at the end of a long school week. Plus, it provides a consistent, special bonding time with family members in the midst of busy school and activity schedules.

Stay Organized:

Create a family calendar. This calendar should feature all school holidays and days off, any vacations, practices and games, parties, and more. Family calendars can even be color coded- such as each family member’s activities are written in a specific color! This organization can help everyone anticipate what is coming and have expectations clearly defined.

Don’t Sneak Away:

  • As school drop offs begin, don’t sneak away. Children may begin to lose trust if this occurs.

  • Keep goodbyes short and positive. Saying something like, “Mommy has to go. I will get you after nap. I love you!”

  • Remind the child that “Mommy/Daddy always come back.”

Prepare and Simplify:

  • Meal plan: Nothing is worse than the feeling of coming home from school pick up or activities with no dinner plans. Meal planning or preparing makes evenings easier and bedtime smoother!

  • Simplify meal planning by having a themed meal night once a week. This could be something like Taco Tuesdays or Macaroni Monday! This encourages exploration of different flavors within the theme – while providing consistency for parents and something fun for children.

  • Make a list: create a to-do list of evening tasks. By organizing things in the evening, it makes for a stress-free morning. Things that can be prepared the night before school include: preparing lunches, packing backpacks, laying out outfits (for adults and children!), and setting out breakfast items – or coffee items needed for the adults ☺.

  • Create a spot for back packs, lunch boxes, and important papers and information sent for you to see. This will help keep a clean, organized space in the midst of all the school demands and after school activities!

Thank you for taking the time to read today’s post – we hope it was informative! If you have any questions, please contact us at info@owlstherapy.com.

Wishing everyone a wonderful school year!

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